Invitation to participate in the 3rd Symposium of International Languages & Knowledge (SILK 2016). This symposium will be held during 10th – 12th June 2016 at Rajamangala University of Technolgy Srivijaya in Songkhla Campus, Thailand.
RMUTSV Administrators Participating in Taiwan-Thailand Higher Education Forum at the Grand Hotel, Taiwan between November 23-26, 2014.The objective is to develop collaboration between university and industrial cooperation of Taiwan and Thailand.
On December 17, 2556, executives from University Utara Malaysia, led by Dr. Mohumud Sobri Don and Associate Professor Dr. Humzah visited Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya and had opportunity to discuss about Malaysian International Scholarship granted to the staffs of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya. Assist.Prof.